hello readers!, how are you today?
This time I want to share a pictures, my face makeup,result other than normal :D :D , so maybe you could be love it or perhaps even disgusted with the photo which i show....
This time I want to share a pictures, my face makeup,result other than normal :D :D , so maybe you could be love it or perhaps even disgusted with the photo which i show....
in order to follow the activities of the makeup challenge from Makeup Nista
look!! This results my makeup, which is so scary full of blood, in the eyes of me, pus and sores *yucksss so sucks*
Here I just used, pale makeup foundation, blood red lipstick, I use thawed and mixed with red lipgloss , and a little black lipstick that I melted it to give the impression of a blood clot.okay see all the pictures ^_^
oke see you in the next post,i hope you didn't hate me,and come back again to see my other post at my blog
see yaa~~~
That is definitely scary! Nice work ^^
BalasHapushehe thanks docci ^_^
Hapusastagaaaaa... itu pake apa? :o LOL
banyak banget say >.<,ya itu sebagian yg aku pake di postingan aku tulis,selebihnya nanti kalo sempet aku postingin apa aja bahannya ^_^
Hapusini keren bgt via :O tutorial dong >.<
BalasHapusthanks adel,iya nanti yah kalo sempet,panjang banget perjalanannya soalnya hahaa :P
HapusHuaa seremmmm, sukses makeup zombie na...^^
BalasHapuscukup sukses dan lengket semua hahah >.<
Hapusme likey deh viaaaaaaaaaa~! XD keren hihihi
BalasHapusthanks nita ^_^
HapusYeuk...serem + jijiy Viiii... Kereeennn!!!!!
BalasHapusTutorial donk!! tutorial!! :D
thanks k arum ^_^,nanti" kalo smpet tak bikin tutorialnya,rempong dan lengket" nih bikin ini >.<
Hapusaku yg suka berurusan sama mayat aja sambil mringis2 bacanya :&
BalasHapusgreeeeaaattt work! :D
wahh suka otopsi mayat hiii,ngeri ihh >.<
Hapusthanks yah ^_^
Selamat Vi, berhasil membuat ku berkata...iuuuhhhhhhhh.....
BalasHapusdan kepikiran itu darah netes dari mata bikin ngeri ajah..
nice work beibehhhh.....
haha,lumer darahnya,gw aja ngeliatnya juga iuh iuh dikit :D
Hapusthanks say^_^
via! it's awesome! hope more to comee! halloween spirit! ahaha
BalasHapusthanks felicia haha :D
Hapuswah kereenn! horror abis! *_*
BalasHapusthanks merilla ^_^,lebih ke ngeri ketimbang horor :D
HapusHwa, serem banget mata yg sebelehnya.tapi zombinya cuantik ya, krn mata sebelehnya ga pucet.hahaha
BalasHapusini zombie separoh jadi belum full hahaha :D
Hapusiiiiiiihh..gilaaaaa...keren sekaligus ngeriii..!
BalasHapusgmn tuh cara nya..hebat2...XD
caranya pake lipstik merah di campur hitam sedikit plus lipglos merah buat efek darah meleleh :D,thanks
BalasHapusserius ka ini jijay bajay tapi keren abis!!
thanks say,iya kayanya kalau di bawa party halloween yg ada pada ngejauh ,ga cocok hahaha
HapusBagus banget kak ^^ *waiting for tutorialnya* hihihi
BalasHapusthanks cheryl,di tunggu yah,nanti kalo sempet ak bikin hehe ^O^
Hapuseeeuuuuuuwwwhhhhh... real bangett...
BalasHapusmengerikan!! >.<
good job via!
thanks kiky,asiik pada iuuhh :D :D
HapusARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Keren!!! jadi pengen colok-colok luka palsunya O___o)
BalasHapusthanks say,di colok mata yg bneran sakit hahhaa :D
Hapushuaaa ngerii! Pinter banget ni liv.. gileee, kamu jadi penata rias efek aja gih...
BalasHapusthanks say,maunya sih,tapi gak ihh,ntar liat hantu mulu kerjaannya haha,walaupun secara gak langsung
Hapuswaw keren XD
BalasHapusthanks aini n eve ^_^
Hapusserem bangetttt.....
BalasHapusjangan kapok" main ke blog ku tapinya ya hehe :P
Hapusjadi dilema mau buka blog kmu apa enggak gara-gara serem
BalasHapushi hi hi
haha,jangan kapok main ke sini pokonyaaaaaaaa! >.<
Hapusowaaa awesome!!
BalasHapuskeren serem banget >_<
thanks,alhamdulillah berhasil hipp..hipp horay :D :D
Hapusomg! kaget gw hahahaah but good though!
hehe,makannya foto awalnya di blur biar gak angker banget blog aku haha,but thanks ya ^_^
HapusAstagaa, seremnyaaa/.... >.<
BalasHapusthanks lady,orang aslinya gak serem kok tapinya huehehe :P
Hapusserem tapi kerennnn >.<
thanks yah laura ^_~
HapusSUMPAAAAAAH, ini kereeeeen pake bangeed.
BalasHapussukaaaa banged, kyk beneran. trus face mu pas foto jg mendukung bgd. aaaa sukaaaaak pkknya *LOVE*
ahaha thankyou pake banged juga hehe ^_^
HapusWah..:O ini mcm sungguhan benar nampak seperti nyata!!!..q saranin deh kamu cocok jadi makeup efek via..good job..!
BalasHapusHai cc first visit ni di blogmu... thanks ya dh mampir di blog Q juga...
BalasHapusYa ampun keren bgt deh make upnya...kayak luka beneran... sayang q ga bisa bikin yang kayak gt...
Nice CCditunngu lagi ya makeupnistanya bulan nov
ya tuhannnn make up nya serem bgt,km kaya na cocok jdi make up artist* make up efek mungkin ya* untuk sequel zombie land :D *kidding*
BalasHapustapi serius serem bgt....