some time ago I was invited by Nature Republic to attend their Grand Opening at Matahari, Supermall Karawaci,Jakarta - Indonesia,and many beauty bloggers a at the place,many beauty bloggers enthusiastic at there,same like me :D :D, some people may already know about Nature Republic, but there are also some who do not know.okey,this is Nature Republic beauty products from Korea, with the brand ambassador jang geun suk, see.. his face very flawless * envy *
okay this is the shop of nature republic
hey look..,aloe vera soothing gel best seller of nature republic, looks so cheap, compared with online shop >.<(beda jauhkan sama online shop,harganya lebih murah di toko ini kya~~)
there are many variants of eyeshadow, with a fixed price much cheaper than the online shop
and at this place ,makeup remover
i try the makeup remover,its good product >.<
and the lipgloss many variants
this is Lip Balm
and this is lip concealer
this is blush on,aww so cute packaging >_<
and this hand cream
and this is my goodiebag yeyyy,best seller of nature republic i got it ^O^
and this is me with chubby cheeks ewww --_--
I'm so sorry I'm late posting this, is because of my busyness start, and tomorrow I have to be come the committee at a big event, at my province where I was from, and therefore I make a post today, for all the events that I attended
haduuuhh..aloe veranya murmer bener yaaak...nitip sayy..hihihii
BalasHapusplease folback ya say , masih newbie nih:)
iya banget ,ga usah online shop lagi hihi
HapusWah ada di sebelah mana karawaci inii? mauuuu XD
BalasHapusitu di mall nya daerah lippo karawaci >.<,di matahari dia deket situ bukanya ^_^
Hapuswaaaa jadi pengen kesana >.< mauuuuuuuuuu bgt vii!
BalasHapusaduhhh racun semua itu >.< #ngilerrr
BalasHapuscome and see ^^
Via.. aku tag kamu di this and that. ikutan maen ya hehehehe
itu aloe nya harga diskon atau emang segitu dear??
BalasHapusaku sabtu kemarin kelippo tp gak mampir ke matahari.. :((
please follow me back:
thanks dear ^^
selain di karawaci dimana ya?
BalasHapuskak .. sampe skrg masih ada nggak ? sebelah mananya yah ?
BalasHapussering ke sana tapi kok gak keliatan ?
Hai mbak mau tanya.. Nature republik aloe vera yg kemasan lama n baru beda nya apa ya mbak. Makasih