Selasa, 11 September 2012

Review: My Darling Eyeliner Waterproof

heihoo reders! i am gonna share with you,review cheap eyeliner by mydarling eyeliner yeyy ^_^,of course many people know about this product*indonesia*,with cheap price ,range 2$(IDR under 20.000) you can get it..woaaa..ok lets to the review

when I was senior high school,for a first time i try eyeliner,and you know budget for schoolkid ,hmm I do not want to ask for money spending on the elderly, just to buy makeup tools,and I use only my pocket money,ok..after that time elapsed until now i always repurchase this product ,yahh of course lovely this product >.<

so simple....packaging thin, and easy to carry anywhere,and then you can find about ingredients on the back of the pack,netto 9ml ,and the product say it waterproof..hmm *just thinking*and then on the lid of the packaging shaped love
 free scent at this product ,so love it

 the texture liquid and matte,i love eyeliner when they have texture matte,sometimes some eyeliner brand,that once in use will be shiny when viewed
see picture above,on the left before an eyeliner dry,and the right after eyeliner dry 

This product is available in several colors,black,brown,blue,but I chose black for daily use ^_^

 Not smudge proof. And not waterproof,if you rub your eyes,but still good when you use it,looking so natural not shiny


Like-->matte,the best of cheapest eyeliner LOL,suitable for beginners who want to learn to use eyeliner,suitable for who like to experiment with make up so as not wasteful :D :D

Dislike-->>not smudge proof and not waterproof(accordance with the cheap price it lol)

Repurchase?Yes,when I'm running out of pocket money, and suddenly I was needed eyeliner :D:D

 overall i like this product although smudge and not water proof,what about you guys,especially those stay in Indonesia?

10 komentar:

  1. hah? Ada yg warna transparant? baru pernah denger aku.. Buat apa pake eyeliner kalo transparan yah? hahahah

    1. alamaaakk,kayanya nulis sambil mikirin mascara >.<,hihi aduuh jadi malu hahahhaa ,thanks koreksinya,teliti brati kamu jeuung hihi

  2. Wah dulu masih SMA udah pakai eyeliner ya :D hihi...aku pernah pakai My Darling tapi yang mascara jaman kuliah kemarin, memang terjangkau buat kantong pelajar :D

    1. iya coba"liat temen hehe,iya buat yang suka eksperimen juga tuh

  3. Aku benci banget sama eyeliner ini :( Suka meluap gitu, pernah aku pake tiba2.. pup! tumpah aja gitu, padahal ga miring. hiks.
    tapi aku kira eyeliner ini cuma item aja. hmm jd pingin coba yg lain ahaha

    1. hehe emang tuh meluap,tapi aku gunainnya hati"sih jadi aman" aja :D:D

    Itu belinya dimana? pengen coba,,
    dibersihinnya susah gak?

    i'd follow ur blog, please visit n follow my blog..
    love, :)

    1. belinya di toko kosmetik,dimana" ada kok soalnya udh lumayan cukup terkenal inih di kalangan spg yang doyan dandanpun juga hehe :P

      ok insyaalloh ya ,tak ceki blog kamu nanti ^_^

  5. baru banget beli eyeliner ini!! tadi waktu berangkat aku lupa bawa eyeliner didalam makeup-bag. untung nemu mall disekitar tempat acara..
    ya jadilah beli eyeliner ini (waktu aku beli harganya 25ribu). hehe. semoga hasilnya bagus deh ya..
