hi beauty!how's your day?hope you always still happy ^O^ ,for this week is a hard week, where my college give me assignment, some shows *lol, and other events come repeatedly, as a result I did not get to review products that I have, ok i want a review product,this time is the lipstick mirabella...
of course mirabella made in indonesia,and the product it a cheap, 2$..hmm,i am forget for the true price :D,ok let see the product..
let see,the purple packaging,so cute right >.<... simple shapes, the overall i like a simple packaging,and then...as usual, in every part of the lipstick packaging, at under the packaging of lipstick already have numbers available with color you want.. ok next
Variants of the colors |
mirabella provide many variants of colors, and just so happens that I chose the color''pepper red'', because I wanted to try a red lisptick but at an affordable price lol (yes.. I did the calculations for everything from all ,and didn't want a something being 'mubazir' :D :D ) so that if I do not like this lipstick, this became not futile and be a neglected
for the scent, i think like a bubble gum lol, make me feel comfort after useing this lipstick: D: D
for the texture i feel that's matte, but I guess he did not make dry lips, and then not glossy, but very unfortunate red color is not too thick
The above photo when I swatch at my hand, see .. not very strong matte,right? - _ -
and this my picture after using the lipstick ^_^,look so mature lol, like a my mom haha
Like-->> affordable price, does not make my lips dry, many color variants,the scent not sting
Dislike-->> not very matte,staying power not good
More Recommended for-->>who want to have a matte lipstick but not too thick color
who want cheap products (IDR15.000-25000) but quite good
Like -->> harga yang terjangkau, tidak membuat bibir saya kering, banyak varian warna, aroma yang tidak menyengat
Dislike -- >> tidak terlalu matte, daya tahan kurang bagus
Lebih Direkomendasikan untuk -->> yang ingin memiliki lipstik matte tapi tidak terlalu tebal warna,yang menginginkan produk murah (IDR15.000-25000), tetapi cukup baik
Dislike -- >> tidak terlalu matte, daya tahan kurang bagus
Lebih Direkomendasikan untuk -->> yang ingin memiliki lipstik matte tapi tidak terlalu tebal warna,yang menginginkan produk murah (IDR15.000-25000), tetapi cukup baik
ok see you at my next review ,byee *smooch* ^.^
cantiiik <3
BalasHapusaku punya yang chic..
kapan2 coba yang ini ahhhh.. thx reviewnya :D
hehe sama-sama ^_^,cukup banyak varian warnanya lhoo
HapusIt's actually looks lovely on you. xo
BalasHapusso thankyou angelica ^_^
HapusWow... The color is beautiful.. Thx for sharing, u look so fresh ...^^
BalasHapusmirabella emang bagus2 warnanya.. Sayangx ya ntu' dry my lip..
Follow each other yukk jenk.. I'm gonna following u first..^^
thanks yah ,hmm brarti km cocok pake lipstik yang ber glossy^_^
Hapussay, aku di jogja cari lipstik ini kok pada blg ga ada ya.. carinya dimana ya say? makasiiii
BalasHapuswarnanya bagus, bikin wajahmu keliatan seger, nggak keliatan tua kok..
BalasHapusberarti ini teksturnya semi matte?
my blog : http://randomandquick.blogspot.com/
Yang kamu pakai difoto no berapa ka?